We know that this is a heart-wrenching time for any pet owner. We want to make your pet’s transition from this life as smoothly, painless and dignified as possible. Pets become part of your family over the years and the bond you make is one of true compassion and care.
It is terribly difficult when you lose a close family member, and even when it becomes necessary to have a pet put to sleep, it can be extremely hard to let go. We will be here for you every step of the way through this troubling time, and will do as much as we can to comfort you and your pet.
We want to reassure you that any final decision that is made is entirely yours, and we fully respect whatever course of action you choose to make.
Day time home visits can be arranged.
We can offer you a cremation service if you so wish. Your pet’s ashes are returned to you in an casket or a scatter box.
If you need any assistance or want to speak to one of our nursing team, we are happy to discuss any concerns you may have.
For further information please visit: Individual Pet Cremation from PCS Pet Cremation Services (