Nurse Clinics 

Our nurses offer a variety of clinics to help keep your pet healthy and prevent problems.

Weight clinics

Weight clinics can help you to maintain or reduce your pets’ weight which can give a longer, healthier life. By keeping at a good weight you can reduce the need for pain relief for arthritis, reduce the chance of some cancers and to improve their outlook on life.

Puppy Parties

Puppy Parties, which aid your young pups to socialise and to give you information about worming, socialisation, teeth care etc.

Puppy checks at 6 months, where we can discuss neutering, dental care and answer any other questions you have.

Senior Clinics

Our nurses check your cats and dogs over and discuss any concern you have as well ensure if there may be underlying problems that can be treated and solved. 

Blood pressure checks

Like us dogs and especially cat can suffer from high blood which cause a variety of problems from headache to organ damage.

Our qualified nurses are also happy to clip nails, remove stitches after operation and express anal glands.


In an emergency,

please call 01837 82327

Please respect this service – our vets and nurses work in the day as well as being on call. This is for genuine emergencies only.