01837 82327

01837 658777

01837 810455

01409 660633

Gastric Dilation and Volvulus (GDV)

This refers to when the stomach dilates and twists on itself. It is a condition that occurs very quickly and is fatal if not treated. Even if the stomach has not twisted it can still put pressure on the lungs, making it difficult to breathe, as well as compromising the blood return to the heart. […]

Feline Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, also known as “sugar” diabetes is a complex disease that is common in cats; a recent survey suggests that nearly 1:200 cats are diabetic. Diabetes in cats, like diabetes in dogs and people, arises because there is either not enough insulin produced or alternatively the body doesn’t respond to the insulin as it […]


In an emergency,

please call 01837 82327

Please respect this service – our vets and nurses work in the day as well as being on call. This is for genuine emergencies only.